Stone Soup

Another interesting program at Community Cares is Stone Soup, named after the book by the same title. Stone Soup is for children in Grades 4 and 5 and focuses on nutrition, healthy eating and active living.

Our Stone Soup Club improves social supports for children, and enhances community partnerships around food security for families, including low income families. Children experience the yumminess of healthy eating, the fun of cooking and regular physical activity, and the joy of serving others. They explore their community, plant vegetables, prepare and take home meals for their families, and host regular family suppers. 

Other local agencies and organizations, including Public Health, Cape Breton Regional Police and Cape Breton Search and Rescue, contribute to the program activities. The children are taught how to make choices about food — they learn to shop, understand food package labels and read recipes.

During the program they treat their families to meals they make and take home, and on occasion receive basic food items like dairy products, grains, fruit and vegetables. A highlight of the program is learning to grow vegetables from seed containers.

The participants make good use of the kitchen at Community Cares and kitchen skills and safety are stressed.

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